Ultimate Window System for a Lifetime Double Glazed Windows and Doors
Facts about energy saving
…for a future we intend to live in
Over 3 decades upvc windows are proven as the most advanced system around the world.
Combining thermal insulation with architectural demanding, it has been tested as extraordinarily weather resistant, as a low-maintenance product and is stable in form even under extreme temperature changes.
Most decisive for windows energy efficiency is the Uw-value.
The lower the heat transfer coefficient (Uw) is, the more energy efficient is the window.
A better Uw-value reduces heat and cooling costs considerably and in this way lowers CO2 emission.
Compared to a single glass pane, the value of thermal insulated units are 6 times more efficient.
Heat Transfer Coefficient
Window U w = 1,3 W⁄m²K
Heat Transfer Coefficient
Glass U g = 1,0 W⁄m²K
Sealing amount = 2
Profile depth = 70 mm
Steel reinforcement 2mm